Cascais Jazz Club – Live Jazz in Cascais
A Famous Jazz singer, Maria Viana, opened the Club in 2011.
From Thursday to Sunday, Jazz lovers, artists and friends, gather together to enjoy live Jazz.
Cozy atmosphere, fells much like a house of local friends and artists who love Jazz!
Maria Viana has sang with names like Al Grey, Norman Simmons, Greg Hutchinson, Andrea Pozza, Kirk Lightsey and Sheila Jordan. (if you don’t know them, do like me = Google please)
Warning – DON’T GO to this Club if:
1) If you don’t understand Jazz
2) if you are looking for the cheapest drinks in Town
–Entrance fee = 8,00 Euros Donation
Opens: Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sundays – from 21h30 to 1h00
follow “Cascais Jazz” updates:
Address: Largo Cidade de Vitória, 36, Cascais
Telef: +351 962773470 / +351 93 334 5167 /